WJ O'Donnell & Sons Funeral Directors

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Mc Ilvenna (née O'Neill) (20 Garvaghy Road, Portglenone).

Mc Ilvenna (née O'Neill) (20 Garvaghy Road, Portglenone) 11th February  2020 (peacefully at home) Sarah RIP, beloved wife of the late Felix, much loved mother of Moya, Claire, Terence, Dermot, Jerome, Bronagh, Brenda and the late Paul and loving sister of the late Cassie, Agnes, Michael and Danny. Her remains left her late residence on Friday 14th February at 1.20pm for 2pm Requiem Mass in St Mary's Church Portglenone and her burial took place immediately afterwards in Aughnahoy Cemetery. Sarah's passing was deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, sons in law, daughters in law, sister in law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews and all the family circle. On her soul sweet Jesus have mercy.  Detail enquires to WJ O'Donnell & Sons, Funeral Directors, Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com 

NB Sarah's wake began at her late residence on Thursday 13th February at 10am whereby everyone was most welcome to call and pay their respects.